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"Many of them are career campus police . Less Government Regulation and Bureaucracy. The backup gun is a second handgun, normally carried concealed, used as a supplement to a primary handgun that may be carried openly or concealed, depending on the circumstances. A dormitory is a home for students, so it makes sense to allow them to defend themselves in their home. Some people think that the primary reason a person wants to concealed carry is extreme paranoia. In areas with a gun culture, when gun crimes are committed a special firearm unit are called as the regular officers are unable to go into the environment as it's too dangerous. The law should be like Arizona's everywhere." When seconds count the police are only minutes away" Keep your powder dry Act now, limited availability. The poll on the Nuneaton News Facebook Page attracted 1,200 votes with 57 per cent in favour . Colorado Representative Patrick Neville (R), a decorated Iraq War veteran and survivor of the 1999 Columbine High School massacre, has introduced bills each year to allow persons with concealed carry permits to carry their firearms in school, but none have passed. To set the . Of course not. Banning guns will help to establish the Order the authorities want. When the gun goes click instead of bang, open the gate, remove the casings, replace them with new cartridges. Read more opinion at CNN. Guns are never the answer. No person should be less than 100% dependent on authority. A larger pistol is easy to conceal that way. First of all, police officers actually are carrying a gun to protect the people. Here is why you should try this. Author has 5.9K answers and 3.1M answer views Yes absolutely. Your training will help you feel more confident about how you will handle a sticky situation. "There were 2.7 million concealed handgun permit holders in 1999, 4.6 million in 2007, 8 million in 2011, 11.1 million in 2014, and now 19.48 million in 2020," according to the Crime Prevention Research Center in Nov. 2020, [ 91] 5. But here are five reasons why it's a really good one as well. Here are the top seven reasons that more people should get licensed, train with their gun, and concealed carry daily. If the passed . Police training now ingrains the "warrior" mentality, Smithsimon said, which leads to bullying behavior. All students were frightened because they were pointign a gun at them. YES They do. (Photo courtesy VertX) Here are the 5 reasons why cops need to carry off-duty: 1. The number of guns confiscated by police also increased 50 percent between 2015 and 2020, with nearly 1,300 guns confiscated. To clean, shove something through the cylinder chambers (i.e., the holes). The administration states that they feel safer knowing that, should an intruder enter the school, teachers are ready to jump into action. Concealed carry might lead to an increase in crime. Research has shown time and time again that more guns doesn . One in four frontline officers were threatened with a firearm last year. Police have to respond to these statistics. A revolver couldn't be easier for novice gun owners. That said, if guns weren't dangerous, they wouldn't be much use. Unlike their counterparts . Originally a law enforcement practice, the carrying of backup has spread to . Winter brings cold temperatures and precipitation and with that comes multiple layers of clothing. However, once summer comes around that Gov't frame, Glock 17, CZ-75 or what have you can get a little . (CNN) No weapon has been more in the public eye in America of late than the AR-15, in large part because of its tragic role in some of this country's deadliest shootings . However, I have never been told that police officers saved people with their gun. Police use a handgun or duty gun when a sudden attack occurs or the officer doesn't have time to arm him or herself with a long gun. The three reasons below explain how the benefits of black men openly carrying a gun have little to do with advocating the use of such weapons, and everything to do with what displaying the gun will entail and how open-carry laws can help put an end to racial profiling and unarmed deaths. Most rely on other tools to keep their city safe: canisters of mace, handcuffs, batons and . A proportion of the UK police are armed. May 2, 1967. Because you can. This leads to deaths and injuries of innocent people as the armed units are normally too late to prevent the situation. One reason that people should be allowed to carry guns with them is to protect themselves and/or others in public spaces. To make those folks in the liberal Oklahoma echo chamber feel better, here are 5 Reasons Why Constitutional / Permitless Carry is Okay. I wasn't there. Summing Things Up. Recruitment in firearms has always been difficult and on top of this there is no additional pay for the role so there is no financial incentive. A time where British police officers routinely carry guns is most definitely not coming any time soon, for the reasons already mentioned as well as the pragmatic issues of sheer expense at a time of austerity. Back in 2018, Hayley wrote about her experience taking a concealed carry class. You will be looking around more, analyzing your surroundings. Every weapon is a "weapon of war," and we own them for a reason. Secondly, mostly, police officers can not their guns in a controlled way. IDPA, Handgunsmag. Student Voice. The Second Amendment was included by our founding fathers so we would be able to protect ourselves from Native American attacks and slave rebellions. However, I have never beenshow more content In addition, they threatened the students to kneel down with their guns. Guns reduce people's reliance on the Police and Government. #1. I n 1919, with the smoke still clearing from the battlefields of the First World War, the German sociologist Max Weber began . Officers gave chase and deployed road spikes, and when the driver stopped and got out of the car he began shooting . In a photo shot on Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012, Rick Ector is shown with his Smith and Wesson 9mm in Detroit. I was at my office, a 50-minute drive from my house. It takes a larger pack than you might think to carry even a small gun, spare ammunition, ID, and maybe a light. Every sworn police officer in the U.S. carries a gun with few exceptions,. Your Threat Level is Low. For schools in rural areas like Harrold High School in north Texas, the right for teachers to carry guns is a comfort to staff and students alike. 5. More than 4,400 people voted when we asked the 'should all UK police officers carry guns on duty?'. One minor injury. On the CoventryLive facebook page more than 3,200 people voted, with 58 per cent agreeing with the question, while the remaining 42 per cent disagreed. Banning guns works, which is why New York, DC, Detroit & Chicago cops need guns. In May 2020, Strang revealed rates of gun crime had hit a 10-year high, with 3540 occasions where an offender was found with a gun. If you really think you'll come under attack, the idea goes, then you either need medication or should move post haste. I am sure the debate will rage on, though hopefully will not be helped on by any more deaths on either side. ASK HOW TO CREDITThirty-one percent of gun owners, which is the same as twenty-five point three million people, in the United States have had to use a gun in self-defense (). By contrast, armed school staffers have stopped school . Everyone has their own reasons and good reasons to carry a gun, too. Currently most UK police do not carry guns. The primary purpose of a police officer is to find, arrest, and convict criminals. The following are 10 reasons concealed weapons should be allowed on campuses. It is crucial for police to carry guns. Criminals who want a gun will get them, even if there are strict gun control laws. A Pew Research Center survey conducted in 2017 found similar patterns in firearm owners' stated reasons for owning a gun.. Around half of Americans (48%) see gun violence as a very big problem in the country today, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in April 2021. We have different reasons, but really, the ultimate argument for carrying a gun . 3. Reagan 's quote about there being "no reason" a person "should be carrying a loaded weapon" in public was spoken in front of a group of reporters on May 2, 1967. Many criminals are free on the streets and you never know when you might bump into one. Police say the man, who was wanted by police, failed to stop on request. Home Office figures show that police weapons were discharged 4 times in the year to March 2021, reflecting wider crime during the covid pandemic, this was . hollow point round. There's only one good reason to take the risk and carry a gun: the danger of not carrying a gun is greater than the danger of carrying a gun.. Good luck making that calculation. BY: Louise Hill 1. We have different reasons, but really, the ultimate argument for carrying a gun . The Metropolitan Police Federation will ask its 30,000 officers if they want to be armed. As of Nov. 2019, 16 states allowed carrying a concealed weapon on public college or university campuses and 23 . In 2007, the centre-right think-tank Policy Exchange found 72% of 2,156 adults wanted to see more armed police patrols. Concealed Carry Is An Insurance Policy Against The Worst Possibilities. For the most part, it basically seemed like a waste of $70 and a Saturday. There are some reasons to support my opinion. There are some reasons to support my opinion. #2. That's comparable to the share who say the same about the federal budget deficit (49%), violent crime (48% . This is true at any distance and even more so when repeat shots are needed. While competition shooters are often more likely to do this to their firearm, some . (CNN) No weapon has been more in the public eye in America of late than the AR-15, in large part because of its tragic role in some of this country's deadliest shootings . Dr Farmer said the use of force by police is one of the most important issues facing any community. A person who is 100% certain to face a justified need for armed self-defense would surely have "good cause"; a person who is 100% certain not to have such a need would not have good cause. All the Yes points: Routinely arming the police is an effective deterrent to criminal behaviour; most countries in Europ The old-fashioned notions of friendly neighbourhood light policing reflected the aspirations of a di Routinely armed police reassure law-abiding citizens at a time when gun-related crime is increasing Yes! Another reason for having multiple carry guns is a seasonal rotation. Virtually every law enforcement agency in the country uses some form of hollow-point ammunition for a very good reason: it's more effective at stopping attackers. The second amendment protects your right to keep and bear arms as you conceal carry your gun for self-defense against zombies, vampires, and masked-men after your bananas. Yes! "The biggest benefit we have is it creates a deterrent," said Neville. Criminals are defined as people who break the law and they are usually armed. You'll get involved. There are also drop-in products that reduce or increase the pull weight of the trigger. I believe that police should carry guns. Colorado Representative Patrick Neville (R), a decorated Iraq War veteran and survivor of the 1999 Columbine High School massacre, has introduced bills each year to allow persons with concealed carry permits to carry their firearms in school, but none have passed. Maybe you do it for self-defense, to protect those around you, or to defend your home. "Firearms are a necessary part of policing. Let's start with this: law enforcement officers (LEOs) carry or have quick-access to three types of firearms . Many argue No, others yes. 1. List of the Cons of Concealed Carry. Reason being is because we might need to defend ourselves against tyranny one day. Guns are dangerous. And yet more than 90 percent of the capital's police officers carry out their daily duties without a gun. Which is why I think we should consider the possibility of a return to a style of policing in which officers do not, under ordinary circumstances, carry guns or wear black body armor. . However, it is not a secret that in countries where police officers are obligated to carry guns the index of crimes is higher than in the UK. This shows that people need guns for self-defense . 1. . We carry and train with firearms because police officers have a sworn obligation to save lives and sometimes deadly force is the only way to stop a terrible person from committing a terrible act. Second, to be prepared in case a firearm is needed for the defense of others - the general public, or a fellow officer. If you've listened to anyone discuss the pro-gun/anti-gun debate you have undoubtedly heard someone make the statement "Only the military and police should have guns - it's their job to protect us". A sensible national policy is to use arms to serve and protect. Gun-Free Zones: A monopoly of force. Shootability: While some shoot the .40 S&W well, few shoot the 9mm less accurately. Today, many . There's also the prospect of taking someone's life - not everyone is prepared to do that because when you pull that trigger and someone dies, people know there is going to be a very thorough . Aim. [3] So if we adjust we will be much stronger and safer as a country than we would without the police carrying guns. Many people suppose that police officers should carry their guns because it can influence criminals, and the number of crimes will decrease. Bandying . We must listen to them! Adults are able to defend themselves at home with a firearm, but students living in a dormitory cannot. A California teacher accidentally discharged his weapon at the ceiling. Yes! Some of us do it legally, and go out of our way to meet legal requirements and pay the government for permission to exercise the fundamental human right to self-defense. 1. To set the . Will you stand around and act like a normal citizen? She didn't have one of our guns with her outside. Yes, the British police should be authorised to carry guns, and law-abiding members of the public should be allowed rifles and handguns for personal protection and sporting pursuits also. 3. The question is whether all police officers need to carry a gun in every situation, every time they go out on patrol, and whether police firearms should be ubiquitous and visible," Dr Farmer said. Here are some reasons why I think every American citizen should own a gun. At the present time, probation officers are only allowed to carry weapons in two-thirds of the fifty United States (Banks, 2013, p. 181).These professionals working in the community corrections field do not have the same power as police or correctional officers to use physical force . For starters, you will have better spatial awareness . If police officers must combat criminals, they can only do so effectively with weapons Report Post Reply 0 Handguns have limited range. "The biggest benefit we have is it creates a deterrent," said Neville. It's an interesting anti-gun opinion and one I believe needs to be addressed . The idea that reasonable gun restrictions should be opposed because they will result in the adoption of unreasonable gun restrictions is like saying that we shouldn't license people to drive . It's true that paranoia can be induced by a mental health . Below is a non-exhaustive list of reasons why I support gun rights and oppose gun control: 1. Weapons . The states that passed shall-issue laws between 1977-2010 saw a 2% increase in their homicide rate, 9% increases in the incidents of aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, rape, and other serious crimes, and increases in burglary and larceny too. Statistics showing high murder rates justify gun control but statistics showing increasing murder rates after gun control are "just . Seasons Are Also Reasons. No person has the right to question authority. 3 reasons shotguns are better than AR-15s (for police) 09/16/2015 06:53 PM | by Jeffrey Denning. Absolute bans are ineffective, as criminals carry weapons regardless of their legality. The Police Federation will ask officers in England and Wales whether they want to routinely carry a gun in the first national survey of its kind in more than ten years. If we don't adjust to these conditions we will be vulnerably as a country. While no one wants to be shot with one, a single shot from a handgun isn't going to knock a home invader through a wall. Another reason would be a person could break into your home and may threaten your life. My opinion is that they should carry guns on them at all times. Britain and New Zealand have adopted an uncommon style of policing. One way to frame the issue is to ask what level of risk is necessary to "trigger" the right to carry a gun in public for purposes of self-defense. 4. If you train new recruits, you might find it handy for getting their attention. A semi-automatic handgun a.k.a., "duty gun". Their cops typically don't carry guns on the job. The first and best reason. The police need to carry guns because the threat of terrorism is much greater than people think. 1. Squeeze the trigger. It's Your Civic Right Under the U.S. Constitution Everyone has heard this one. Always carrying guns reinforces an us-versus-them perspective, dividing the police from civilians, said Greg Smithsimon, a Brooklyn College sociology professor who studies policing issues. Ongoing protests against police violence and racism have prompted a reexamination of the role guns play in law enforcement. If we say it's not a good idea to arm teachers with guns, people should listen. Confidence, not Arrogance or Ignorance. No two are quite the same also. Should probation officers be allowed to carry weapons while fulfilling their duties in the corrections system? Even in countries that have a near total ban on ownership of guns, criminals will smuggle in guns, just . What are you going to do as an off-duty police officer when s**t hits the fan? As you mother would say, you can put your brains out with one of those things. 1. Undoubtedly, the decision to own and carry a gun is a very important one. Michael, Australia. Patrick reports that handgun rounds will cause a permanent cavity (i.e., a hole caused by bullet destruction of body tissue) along the length of the bullet's path through the body. 1. This is good.