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1. How does your curriculum meet the school's aims? It's about your role as subject leader and your knowledge of the entire curriculum for your subject from when pupil start and when they leave the school? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum? This means having a deep awareness and sympathy for another's suffering. Our inspectors understand the unique challenges you face as small schools. What is your vision for your subject? They will usually undertake deep dives of one or more . Ofsted pilot inspection : the 'deep dive' into Languages at a Primary School. Audit process 3. Ofsted Deep Dives - History Deep Dive Questions | Keystage History Deep dives OFSTED's focus on all foundation subjects not just the core is to be welcomed. Helen Youngman Education has produced a series of deep-dive toolkits, helping subject coordinators in primary schools to prepare for Ofsted inspections. Deep dive: then, a 'deep dive', which involves gathering evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact over a sample of subjects, topics or aspects. All questions asked to people under the EIF. Following pilots last year and many discussions about the new inspection framework - in particular surrounding subject 'deep dives' - Ofsted has started visiting schools and asking about the Broad and Balanced Curriculum, and looking at specific subjects including music. 3a - have clear roles and responsibilities. Deep dives. Safeguarding. Possible sub-questions: a) What are the basic principles and rationale behind your decisions? Why was this curriculum chosen? We need to get a sense of proportion here. Why? The Literary Curriculum supports schools with this and aims to give teachers a view of where the learning is going. Here are some common Ofsted questions. Some of the questions that may be asked: How have you designed your curriculum and why? EIF and deep dives. Ofsted is clear: if art is chosen as one of the subjects of a deep dive, then the outcome of the inspection will reflect the judgement made upon the art curriculum. Preparation and Discussion Framework for School Leaders. It helps us to understand the quality of education you're offering, and whether the curriculum is achieving what you want it to. When Jesus went ashore, He saw a large crowd and He felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things." (Mark 6:34) What links are there between your subject and the rest of the curriculum? 1d - inclusive and progressive. Activities in a deep dive (1) Discussion with an individual learner or apprentice. Preface: SLT. Get to know us. A Deep Dive into a foundation subject may be part of your next OFSTED inspection. Ofsted Questions and Answers - Geography Deep Dive Element 1 - Curriculum Design: Intent, Implementation and Impact Question Possible Answer and Notes Examples 1. They also asked staff about whistleblowing and well being. The Blackboard Online Curriculum, deep dive, Ofsted Framework, PSHE 5th Mar 2020 1 Minute. 6. Ofsted inspectors will be exploring the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum in schools. How did you design your curriculum? Last downloaded on. When it comes to being deep dive ready, the three 'I's are huge: intent, implementation and impact. What an Ofsted deep dive entails; Questions that inspectors are most likely to ask you as a subject lead; What a deep dive looks like in practice Steps to take in order to prepare for a deep dive; What is an Ofsted deep dive? Please use this resource to help you plan your curriculum so that it is easy to get evidence together for a response to these types of questions. OFSTED's focus on all foundation subjects not just the core is to be welcomed. Have an initial discussion with our Training and Events Manager, to understand the needs of the D&T teachers in your school. Inspection: Watchdog introducing quality of education grade In primary school inspections, art was the subject of a deep dive in 13 per cent of inspections and music was looked at in seven per cent. Any foundation subject or subjects may be selected for a Deep Dive by the inspectors visiting your school, along with reading and possibly maths. Explore more than 1,198 "Geography Deep Dive Questions" resources for teachers, parents and pupils. No matter your subject, you should be as prepared as possible to answer inspectors' questions. Allocation, which focuses resources through trade-offs. Use of the child's journey file audit tool 4. Collect a couple of examples of lesson plans or pupils' work for evidence. How to prepare for the Ofsted deep dive. Ofsted Deep Dive Questions: Preparation And Discussion Framework. Continue the conversation on subject leadership in primary schools. The current Ofsted framework emphasises data collection and analysis to showcase pupil outcomes and during visits involves discussions largely between inspectors and school leaders. Ofsted. Discussion with an individual teacher, trainer or assessor. . Workload & Wellbeing Questions 8. This was support in monitoring and recognising strengths and weaknesses within their subject as . What are the pros and cons of the curriculum you follow? Ofsted deep dive questions: key themes 1. As this has a more detailed focus on the teaching of early reading and how children's books form part of that process, we have been taking lots of calls from teachers here at Badger Learning. How 'deep dives' work Who's involved? Why is your curriculum structured in this way? Lesson observations with focus on subject area (Up to 4 suggested) How to think about your curriculum in a way which will im. Cultural capital in sociology comprises an individual's social assets (education, intellect, style of speech, dress, etc.) Discussion with the . 11. 7 June 2021. Basically, there are 6 areas that the history subject leader may expect to be involved in. Discussion with an individual curriculum lead, head of department or workplace supervisor. Leaders. 3b - have subject knowledge, expertise and skill. The scope of the project needs to be defined first when entering into a new market. In the case of secondary schools, inspectors will usually conduct deep dives of four to six subjects. My understanding is that our head teacher had an in-depth call deciding the areas to experience a 'deep dive', reading, maths and Languages, and to create an outline for the following 2 days. There's nothing wrong with OFSTED shining a light on important aspects of the . . The resource packs can be used in twilight sessions or non-contact time, with the aim of enabling subject leaders to get "Ofsted-ready". Download the Deep Dive preparation sheet HERE. This means having a deep awareness and sympathy for another's suffering. Deep Dive Audit Process, Template and Guidance This guidance covers - 1. While reading schemes that support phonics are an essential part of the learning-to-read process, this has to be dovetailed with opportunities to teach reading and writing from real, quality literature from Reception to Year 6. In the case of secondary schools, inspectors will usually conduct deep dives of four to six subjects. What are your strengths and areas for development in your subject? 2a - Meets the NC at the very least. Leaving that to one side, Ofsted state that their inspectors "can make appropriately secure judgements on curriculum, teaching and behaviour across a particular deep dive when 4 to 6 lessons are visited". Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Questions 7. We need to get a sense of proportion here. How do you ensure knowledge is retained in your subject? . Subject Deep Dives typically take the format below: Meeting between subject leader and inspector, looking at curriculum intent. Most HMI (6/9) felt confident in the . If history isn't taught on the day of inspection then they understand that but there would have to be a subject agreed that was taught during the inspection as not all deep dives could miss . Colour work from Year One to Year Six. Make a list of all of the ways that your school teaches science through other subjects such as reading, maths or history. Less welcome are the unrealistic expectations being placed on often very inexperienced history leaders in primary schools. This approach involves using the 'Espoused Theories' - firstly thinking about what we think is happening in a subject and then generating questions to explore this theory in more depth. Schemes of Work/Curriculum Questions 2. However, as the teaching of good relationships in itself is nothing new, Ofsted will continue to look at how these are developed in schools as part of their normal inspection work. Ofsted released two updated documents in April 2014 regarding the inspection guidance for Physical Education within Primary and Secondary Schools: Physical Education Survey Visits - supplementary subject-specific guidance for inspectors on making judgments during visits to schools. How ambitious is your curriculum for all children? Less welcome are the unrealistic expectations being placed on often very inexperienced history leaders in primary schools. Progress Questions 3. 2. b) What research did you use when designing your In the 'deep dive', our inspectors take an in-depth look at different subject areas within a school. that " promote social mobility . Preparing subject leaders for a deep dive - PSHE. Model for a subject leaders' answers. With the new Ofsted inspection framework for primary schools coming in, the focus is now shifting towards a broad engaging curriculum. The Blackboard Online Curriculum , deep dive , Ofsted Framework , PSHE Leave a comment 5th Mar 2020 3rd Mar 2020 1 Minute Instant access to inspirational lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment, interactive activities, resource packs, PowerPoints, teaching ideas at Twinkl! The new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF) will be introduced in September 2019 and schools need to be ready for a return visit from inspectors. Resourcing and trips. They'll take account of the way . Pupil Premium Questions 6. 1c - importance of knowledge progression and concept sequencing. Ofsted Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman, July 2019 speech. 9-10 October Not a RE Deep Dive 5. The intent of the deep dive is to seek to interrogate and establish a coherent evidence base on the quality of education. They're much more keen on safeguarding than they were before. The new Ofsted Inspection Framework is over a month old and we're already starting to see middle leaders, Heads and MAT Directors share their experiences of the new-style inspection. If I was to offer advice as to how you could prepare for an Ofsted Deep Dive, I would recommend that you are well prepared for the comprehensive questioning about specific skills, progression and have to hand what you might need to evidence this.Make sure you have your Long Term Plan and that you can discuss how it is cross-curricular, have your . 4a - provide CPD. The above video may be from a third-party source. For more information on effective subject leadership, keep an eye on the Focus Education blog, or get in touch with the Focus Education office on 01457 821 818. This term, to support subject leaders, I put in the opportunity for them all to work with a member of SLT. Ofsted Deep Dive Questions Curriculum-Based Questions Reading will always be a focus for an Ofsted deep dive, with maths commonly considered and another four to six subjects. According to Ofsted, the purpose of a deep dive is, "to allow inspectors to gather the evidence necessary to form an accurate evaluation of how education flows from intention to implementation to impact within a school".They will be looking at the Strategic thinking consists of 3 disciplines: Acumen, which helps you generate key business insights. 2. They are aiming to see the overall quality of education being delivered in your school. For instance, the maths deep-dive toolkit includes . Media; Partnerships . The review explores the literature relating to foreign languages education to identify factors that can contribute to a high-quality languages curriculum . You'll find questions related to COVID-19, covering topics like how you've delivered remote learning, helped pupils catch up and supported your staff during . Download our list of questions Ofsted inspectors might ask. What is an OFSTED Deep Dive? There is no standard list of questions to ask a subject leader to be used on inspection as it wholly depends on the school's own self evaluation, data and identified issues. If you would like to enquire about inset consultancy within your school, get in touch via our booking form. Intervention Questions 4. Action, which requires executing a strategy to achieve goals. Resource 3: 'Deep Dive' in a foundation subject / area - provides advice for subject leaders across all foundation subjects, with subject specific advice / guidance. What questions might you be asked, and how to answer them. Ofsted Music Deep Dive Resources and Information. The national curriculum for music at KS1 and KS2 requires pupils to: "perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians". This list has been formulated based on what other teachers have reported from their inspections under the new framework and on our knowledge of the subject area. choose any subject area for their "deep dive" during an inspection, including Art and Design. This process builds on the Top-Level View formed through discussions with senior leaders, exploring curriculum . Observations/Learning Walks (often with the history leader). They will usually undertake deep dives of one or more . CPD Provision Questions 5. Ultimately, art and design education should lead children to feel confident using a range of materials and mediums to express themselves. Under the new Ofsted Framework, Inspectors will carry out a 'deep dive' across several areas of evidence. Primary Good Pupils learn about other religions and cultures and understand the need for tolerance and kindness. This is different from strategic planning. We have put together a series of questions relating to intent, implementation and impact. Ofsted Questions and Answers - P.E Deep Dive Element 1 - Curriculum Design: Intent, Implementation and Impact Question Possible Answer and Notes Examples 1. . In this webinar Paul Carney, teacher and NSEAD registered art consultant experienced in delivering CPD and curriculum development, will encourage teachers to reflect on curriculum options within the context of their own . Before delving into what a deep dive practice looks like, we must first understand what an Ofsted deep dive is.