persuasive speech outline on plastic pollutionhetch hetchy dam pros and cons

synthetic plastic is required in the production of multiple products like toys, electronics, pipes, machines, etc. Plastic has been the common materials that is being used on a daily basis. Another reason is that plastic and micro plastics kill and injure marine life by getting into the waterways. In the text, it states, Approximately 6.4 million tons of plastic and other debris enter the oceans each year. Counterclaim Persuasive Essay - Pollution Reason #1 Reason #3 Claim People should not pollute because pollution harms wildlife and sea life, it has devastating effects on the environment, and damaging effects on docx, 14.25 KB. It has taken the form of the most powerful demon who kills the natural environment quite easily. Persuasive Speech On Plastic Pollution. You have all heard of how plastics are affecting our marine life and oh, the poor sea turtle. To begin with, we have air pollution which means contamination of air. Use this persuasive writing resource to help KS2 children write a letter to a local MP regarding the issue of plastic pollution. During this process, we exploited nature, and started polluting it. Plastics pollution has a direct and Free Pacific Ocean Ocean Marine debris. And every year., more than 1 million marine animals die from eating or getting caught in this debris, (Dignan 13). Unfortunately these very useful qualities make plastic a huge pollution problem. First, there need to be more efforts to comb the Pacific waters for plastic for removal. Because the plastic is cheap it gets discarded easily and its persistence in the environment can do great harm. You should know that a good speech must have a set structure. Environmental persuasive speech topics can also be found after that big crash at sea e.g. Humans need to take more responsibility for our trash. 1033 Words5 Pages. 3 You have to cite sources. People need to grasp the real statistics of how littering affects us. Outline Worksheet due before speechSpeech Title: Plastic: The Great Pacific Garbage PatchSpeaker (your name): Andoni ItuarteSpecific Purpose To inform about the consequences of the plastic in the sea. A fantastic plastic pollution persuasive writing resource. A t the end of m y speech, the audience will choose to use reusable s tr aws b ecause they ar e saf er and ec o- friendly . in Nigeria. There are a lot of trash islands floating in the oceans. The answer is no! We should handle with care the dangers and risks of exhausting our fossil fuel resources on earth, and protect the innocent sea life. pptx, 1.08 MB. Americans throw away about 100 billion plastic bags each year. they cause 70 percent more air pollution and 50 times more water pollution than plastic bags. A Long Speech On Plastic Pollution is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Plastic Pollution is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Its just something we take for granted. Why recycling is important. It is a very dangerous kind of pollution and which chemically and physically alters the air. One summer day my family and I were spending a day on the water and a sea turtle popped out of nowhere and was swimming right next to our boat, at first I was not sure what it was until it swam up higher. I was completely fascinated and mesmerized by its beauty. PURPOSE: To persuade my audience that we must take action now to control air pollution The topic I have chosen for today is something we all take for granted-the air. Honorable judges, teachers, parents, and fellow students, my name is Ren and today I am going to talk to you about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and our polluted oceans.The place I just described is a giant mass of garbage swirling in the Pacific Ocean, between here and Japan, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It has reduced our dependence on paper to some extent and we need to cut down the trees. Secondly, it makes our beaches look dirty and thirdly it kills off food and habitats for marine life. Before introducing a topic to the audience, you should turn their attention to your speech, then develop your point of It is a major matter of concern these days. Plastic is a Global Issue for Planet. And thats great! When toxic gases enter the atmosphere, life becomes difficult for human beings. Startling Statements. 1 it must have a crystal clear thesis statement. Every year, more than 300 million tons of plastic is made, this poses as a threat when you take a look at how much of this plastic is only intended to be used once and thrown away. In an elementary understanding, environmental pollution is a situation when the natural environment is unable to process the changes that are being brought about by human activities. Plastic waste that floats in the water doesn't surprise modern people. The use of plastic has changed the entire production process. Essay # 2. Its okay to get your audience thinking right off the bat, but dont forget to say Hi, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening first! 2 it must be clear on where your audience stands on your issue. Your speech on environmental pollution is no exception. Many objects that made from plastic that can be seen from everyday such as food containers, plastic bag, storage and so many things that even a human being cannot think of it. Plastic can be extremely dangerous if we fail to reuse, recycle and dispose of it properly. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. It is about time everyone woke up and worked as a single cohesive unit against the pollution. 1. Being aware of its bad effects has to be more than enough to work on pollution reduction. It not only is affecting human beings but also is putting a threat to the lives of the animals. Use this persuasive writing resource to help children write a letter to a local MP regarding the issue of plastic pollution. 3 Minute Speech on Pollution for Students. Environmental persuasive speech topics can also be found after that big crash at sea e.g. in Nigeria. We should handle with care the dangers and risks of exhausting our fossil fuel resources on earth, and protect the innocent sea life. Global warming demands more joined global action than Kopenhagen did. Really, it is. When you throw Plastic in any form is harmful for the environment. Plastic has replaced the use of expensive metals like aluminium, iron, copper, etc. Pollution harms wildlife and sea life. It is here on earth today. The resource includes a sample letter to inspire children, and a template so children can write their own. Moreover, plastic does not dissolve in the land or water, it stays for more than hundred years contributing to uprise of plastic pollution. To a large extent, it affects humans and other living beings. 4 it must have a clear goal for yourself. Regardless of whether they are plastic or paper, most grocery bags are used only once. Plastic Pollution. Pollution can take the form of any substance or energy. 2. The speaker even goes one step further by mentioning the effects of pollution on seafood at a local restaurant. As a school we have been learning all about the effects of our actions on the enviroment. Today, I am here to deliver a speech on plastic pollution. Plastic has very seriously impacted the health and life of human beings in the last decade. Several events have drawn the attention of the whole world and placed a question mark on the use of plastic in everyday life. Pollution has been a major environmental issue all over the world. Get Access. Good Essays. An environment which is considered as our surrounding and the thing nearby to us. It is very economical and easily available. , , 1241. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Many species of aquatic organisms are eating plastic pollution found in the ocean and then dying from choking, intestinal blockage, and starvation (Solutions to Plastic Pollution But the air we breathe carries pollutants that can be bad for our health. The production and use of This is threefold. Persuasive Speech On Plastic Pollution. Centr al Idea: Plastic s tr aws ar e harmful t o the en vironm ent and people should opt t o using eco-fr iendly str a ws. 5 it must have your speech clearly organized and make strong use of signposts. Speech delivered at the Chamonix Get-Together 2015, organized by the Monthly Barometer. In 1972, the Hartford Courant newspaper published an article, in which two scientists, Edward J. Carpenter and K.S. The engines emit carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide which are very harmful both for health and the atmosphere. Plastic Hair Persuasive Speech. The third reason is that fossil fuels, mainly oil, are the main ingredient to making. There are 3 important reasons why we should stop polluting our oceans. informative speech outline plastic surgeries. Pollution is one of the greatest challenges the world is facing today. 446 Words; 2 Pages; informative speech outline plastic surgeries. ADVERTISEMENTS: Speech On Plastic Pollution: Plastic is an artificial polymer synthesised for multiple uses. Everyday people buy plastic things from the cafeteria, from plastic containers, lids on cups, and things as small as straws, and like 50% of plastic used it will be thrown away after one use. As human civilization progressed, we invented machines and products that can ease our life. The main reason plastic is harmful to the environment is that it does not decompose easily and ruins the soil. But excessive dependence and improper waste management mechanisms led to plastic pollution. Ocean pollution is deadly to not only our marine life, but also to plants. To begin, one of the environmental threats that blue crabs face is pollution. The speaker knows this and thus uses this example to make another connection with the audience. Only one to three percent of plastic bags are recycled, and only 10 to 15 percent of paper bags. This one, right? Plastic is made from oil, natural gas and plants which are processed into ethane and propane. Littering must be stopped. The burning of fossil fuels, mining, automobile exhausts, and more contribute to it. The environmental pollution can be defined as the introduction of different harmful pollutants into environment that makes the environment unhealthy to live in. The resource includes a sample letter to inspire children, and a template so children can write their own. Causes of Plastic Pollution: Plastics are used because these are easy and cheap to make and they can last a long time. Persuasive Speech Outline Topic: plastic pollution. Newbie and old students can avail the benefit of this sample to write their speech on the given topic. But at the same time, the problem of plastic pollution is increasingly serious, it has become a hot environmental problem worldwide. Sample persuasive speech on recycling including its benefits & importance is given here for the sake of helping graduates in their assignments. Littering is a serious problem that people do not realize. This is a huge task that can only be done with international cooperation. if we will not focus on the harm that is being done to the environment in the name of Thesis Statement: The massive use of plastic is affecting the world, but some researchers are working in a solution. We have been learing about reclying and how to make our school and our country a more eco-friendly. Marine Pollution: Speech on Marine Pollution! View Persuasive Outline Plastic Pollution.pdf from ENGL 001A at Pasadena City College. Pollution of the sea has been going on unnoticed for a long time by discharges of domestic sewage and agricultural and industrial wastes into the rivers which flow into the sea, washing of cargo tanks in the open sea, and ocean dumping of ship generated garbage and ship operated sewage. These days, humans pollute water resources by dumping chemicals and non-biodegradable wastes in the water, which is the primary natural resource. Most of us hardly ever think about it. Throughout the entire planet, plastics are being used more often and are being thrown away rather than using the recycling bin. Global warming demands more joined global action than Kopenhagen did. Specific Purpose: To persuade my audiences about the terrible impact of plastic products have on our environment and to persuade them reduce the amount of plastic they use. When you hear the term polluted plastics I can tell you the exact picture that just popped into about 10 of your heads. We are providing a long Speech On Plastic Pollution of 500 words and a short Speech On Plastic Pollution of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic for the ease of students. These speeches will be useful for students for their assignments or exam. People can also use these speeches as a reference to write their own. Persuasive Essay On Plastic Pollution. A.1 Plastic Pollution is on the rise because nowadays people are using plastic endlessly. Persuasive Speech on Pollution. Plastic is used by all of humanity on a gigantic scale. Powerful Essays. The rebirth of littering awareness- effective phrase would be based on many of the same, well known concepts, but revitalize with more detail. Read More. Monday, the mocking reality persuasive essay outline speech. It is the introduction of harmful pollutants in the environment that degrades the quality of air, water, and soil. BASIC OUTLINE PERSUASIVE SPEECH WATER POLLUTION INTRODUCTION Hooks Ideas: 1. Personal greeting/question. Susan says: *[3] Most people use (or have used) plastic water bottles. Firstly, it harms pretty much everything in the sea. A Persuasive Letter to Theresa May about Plastic Pollution.